In light of the upcoming elections, Democrats will ease up on their aggressive agenda. So thinks both Democratic and Republican strategists.
"I'm not even sure it's smart politically given that the White House has had three major sweeping legislative reforms. I think there's only so much the system can take at one time."
What system? If she is talking about a free market economy operating within a constitutionally-restrained government, I think that system has had all it can take for while.
More likely, Ms. Epstein is referring to the election cycle. Political capital is gained and spent between elections. There is only so much that can be done by a party in power, even when controlling the White House and enjoying large majorities in Congress. In a society that predominately holds to the principles of freedom, politicians are forced to keep an anxious eye on that next election.
Thank goodness for that whole scheme of representation and staggered elections, explained in Federalist #10.