Tea Party activist Dana Loesh says she will be more hard on Republicans who break their promises than on Democrats. This makes sense, and she needs emulated. Were Republicans not asleep at the wheel quite so much during the Bush II years, things would not be quite so bad as they are now.
No serious-minded critic of Pelosi, Reid, and Obama would think or say that our current fiscal mess started in January 2009. It is now no surprise to the public what leftists and progressives in the Democrat Party envision for American society. What the public needs to know (let's hope, wants to know) about the Republican party is that there are enough constitutionalists and classical liberals within it that we will not get a repeat of the spending and growth of government that occurred during the Republican-controlled Congress and White House of the 2000s. This Republican profligacy laid the political groundwork for the current spend-a-thon and socialist power grabbing, and any shade of apologizing it away adds to the difficulty of restoring fiscal stability and constitutional government.
So be hard on Republicans--they need it. We all need it.