I very much appreciate the virtue in keeping an even keel, moderate approach when it comes to spreading the ideas of liberty through persuasion. I'm going to take a reprieve from that approach for a moment as this topic really lights me up.
Reactionaries love dogma. Folks like this Wise guy especially love categorical, stereotypical, and incendiary dogma. What better than conjuring up malevolent racial motives and incentives and impugning millions of politically engaged people when one has to explain the rejection of his own party? I gather from this sage's observations that all those tea baggers are really just upset at the browning of American society; they're all about doing a Clorox job on society, starting with making a whiter looking government.
Note that the highest social good seems to be the embrace of some nebulous percentage of a particular racial make up of society. Once we socially rearrange the white out of society, or to a lesser degree agreeable to the elites and paternalists, all will be just and well. In other words, we are supposed to view and treat people not as free and responsible individuals dignified simply by their humanity. No, no, we are supposed to organize society into one big pure bred dog show, categorizing everyone into groups and assigning them value accordingly by identifying their humanity through the accident of birth, race, and gender. But that's not racist or bigoted, of course, that's multiculturalism.
Oh. And who would be the judges in this big dog show? Elitist white leftists like this clown. That's the real kicker. Elitists who take it upon themselves to run society and our lives many times don't stop there; they take it upon themselves to shuffle us around according to the accident of our births and categorize society into racial groups. But everyone else are the racists.
A free society focuses us on our respective humanity and all the equal rights and freedoms thereunto. It also takes our focus away from sniveling elitist bigots like this Mr. Wise here.
Mr. Wise. What a misdirection that name is.
Rant mode off.