Tuesday, February 1, 2011

He Said It. The Economic Absurdity of The Health Care Mandate

Any legislative provision that forces Americans into any economic transaction is wildly unconstitutional.  Why have a written constitution if the government can do pursue any matter it wishes?

Beyond the unconstitutionality of the individual mandate in the 2010 health care law, the fanciful economic wishful thinking that forcing Americans to purchase health insurance with the coercive force of the federal government will somehow drive overall health care costs down is too far removed from common sense to warrant debate.

It just makes no sense, has no precedent, and defies generations of economic experience.

Look at the cost and price of any economic good after the government subsidies or goads it along with coercion.  It goes up costing consumers and taxpayers (many times the same persons) more than what they would pay in the free market.

Then-Senator Obama made such a point in 2008 during his primary run against Hillary Clinton.  Via Hotair, here's the Fox News clip on the heels of the recent federal judge's tossing out the unconstitutional law:

At the risk of sounding flippant, it would be great if a copy of the Constitution and Hazlitt's Economics In One Lesson made their way, respectively, onto the presidents teleprompters.